Friday, October 28, 2005

News from the College Front

I hope that the title didn't mislead you into expecting real news. This post is going to be devoted strictly to minutae. For example, did you know that it is possible to wash clothes with dish-washing soap? Somebody stole my detergent from the laundry room and I was annoyed and out of clean socks (in fact, already far into the negatives, clean-sock-wise), so I improvised. Seems to be working ok, so far, but I'll know more when the clothes come out of the dryer.
Also, fabulous quote that was actually uttered. In a discussion of Metamophosis, somebody actually said, "The sub-humanity, in our view, of artho-pods". How phenomenally U of C geeky is that? And the best part is that the speaker is this huge hulking guy who is into sports and looks like a charicature of a dumb jock and is actually one of the most intelligent people in the class. Sometimes, I really love this university.
That's actually all that comes to mind for the moment, but I felt the need to feed to the blog, so there you go.


Blogger Tobie said...

Update on the laundry- yes, dish soap will work, but not as well as real detergent. And the clothes come out strangely static-y. But, in the end, you do get clean socks out of the deal and that is the most important thing of all.

7:13 PM

Blogger Tobie said...

you start digging through your laundry finding those that are the least's not a pretty stage. especially if it goes on for a week.

3:44 PM


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