Ever since I took Mavis Beacon back in ninth grade (almost for a whole year of computer class, if not two. But don't get me started on Hanna Sacks curriculum), I guess I've sort of taken the ability to type for granted. So much that I currently can't compose anything, even an essay, past a first draft on paper. The whole editing process only works through computer for me. Which is fine, when you can type, so it seemed like a fine system.
Until today. (Da-DUM!) Today I had to type a paper in Hebrew for my summer Kollel thing, and it took me over five hours to transcribe six written pages. Of course, a lot of that was also editing and correcting and I think that the whole paper is a lot better now, but even so. Five blinking hours. Pen pecking letter by letter and everything. And some of that on a laptop that for no particular reason would change the line I was typing on or start typing over some other things I'd written. Aargh. The only good thing about the whole process was that the paper is now a lot more compact than it would have been- anything that wasn't absolutely necessary got left out, because it wasn't worth ten minutes to say. Think how different this post, for example, would be if I only had to type what needed to be said. It would read something like this, I suppose "Typing's useful. Hebrew is annoying."
9:03 PM
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