Sunday, September 25, 2005


Short post- it's late, I'm tired, and the computer just ate the first draft of this, so if this doesn't sound clever, assume that the first version was brilliant and sparklingly witty, as of course it was if it was written by myself. Anyway...finished registering for classes- I'm taking twelve hours a week plus four hours of physics lab, a paltry sum compared to Talia's course load and one that will leave me with oodles of free time, some of which may be filled by whatever extra-curriculars I will acquire at the club fair tomorrow, if any.
Anyway, Shmuli and I (who had a lot of free time watching Chaim run around the park) wondered how this compared to other college's schedules, so we decided to call for general family input. David, Joe, Talia (Stern days only, we all know about Bar Ilan)- how does this compare? And how does the fact that mine is a quarter system contribute to the whole thing? And for that matter, Shmuli, you can answer too, because I have unfortunately forgotten whatever number it was that you mentioned. As I said, it is late.

Monday, September 19, 2005


Many of you have had the misfortune of learning Ruti's major means of communication; pointing and uttering a sound best spelled "eh". Is this sound properly characterized as a grunt? It seems too weak for grunt, but I can't think of a better term.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

No Escape

for Tobie. She had deluded herself into believing "that I'm going off to college next week and probably won't be collecting the books there." On Friday night, however, after David Rosenberg asked for volunteers to collect siddurim, I spied Tobie carrying a stack. Would Tobie be better off in Israel, where siddurim are smaller but more plentiful, or here in the States?

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Tobie's News

Well, until I get my phone authorization code, which won't happen until I register, the blog is my only means of communicating with my family, so here is all my news: Moved in Friday afternoon. Only person doing early move-in and they didn't bother telling any Orientation aides or RHs, which are the equivolent of Midrichim/ot, so they were all just a little surprised, but friendly. Davening began quite late at Hillel, followed by a communal dinner, where I got to meet other first years and grad students, all later year people not being allowed to move in for a bit. Shabbos day, davening followed by another communal lunch, but I was at the boring table with all the accompanying parents, so I left early and hung out and Rachel and Shmuli's all afternoon. Fun stuff. Then mincha, break and ma'ariv, after which I rushed back to my house meeting twenty some minutes late. We got various forms of house related information- there are about forty new or transfer students, of which around ten are female, and the upperclasspeople are moving in at the end of the week. We also had an icebreaker (Two truths and a lie- where each person tells two true facts about self and one lie and everyone else has to guess which is the lie- my semi-fluent Aramaic impressed people) Tomorrow we start real stuff- for me, registration, and for everyone, math testing. Some of you will see me tomorrow morning (7:30, right?) and so I can give more info then.
Missing you all (well, not you Rachel or Shmuli, because you're right here, but everyone else)

Thursday, September 15, 2005

25 Years Ago

today, my first wife was born.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Aargh, Does NO one post on this thing?

Well, I suppose the title pretty much says it all. Despite the fact that I am one of the more recent post-ers, I have stepped up to the plate once again. Not that it's easy, considering as I have my own blog to take care of AND everyone who cares about this one converses frequently anyway. But still, I do what I can, so the family will be treated to a quick description of the bathroom painting extravaganza.
Lesson- never, ever leave Talia in the house for more than 24 hours with nothing to do. Her first day back, she cooked an elaborate dinner. Her second day, she decided the downstairs bathroom needed to have the wallpaper removed and then be re-painte. On Thursday, we removed all the wallpaper, which is hard and disgusting due to the fact that the bathroom stinks, not that we assigning any blame for that. Ahem! On Friday she went to look for a job, but we were back at work on Sunday night, beginning at like ten o'clock and putting on a coat of primer and our first coat of paint and ending past midnight. The next day, we put on another coat and a decorative rim of wallpaper, so that you can't see our more glaring painting errors. The bathroom is now and lovely shade of pink (we tell Mike that it is peach, but only to make him feel better) and the house is awash with the intoxicating smell of new paint, which I love. Sometimes I purposely go into that room just to smell it.
And that's all the news from Lake Woebegone. Isn't it someone else's turn now?