Short post- it's late, I'm tired, and the computer just ate the first draft of this, so if this doesn't sound clever, assume that the first version was brilliant and sparklingly witty, as of course it was if it was written by myself. Anyway...finished registering for classes- I'm taking twelve hours a week plus four hours of physics lab, a paltry sum compared to Talia's course load and one that will leave me with oodles of free time, some of which may be filled by whatever extra-curriculars I will acquire at the club fair tomorrow, if any.
Anyway, Shmuli and I (who had a lot of free time watching Chaim run around the park) wondered how this compared to other college's schedules, so we decided to call for general family input. David, Joe, Talia (Stern days only, we all know about Bar Ilan)- how does this compare? And how does the fact that mine is a quarter system contribute to the whole thing? And for that matter, Shmuli, you can answer too, because I have unfortunately forgotten whatever number it was that you mentioned. As I said, it is late.